Direct Hire Placement

Need IT employees for permanent positions at your company? IT Accel can help you pinpoint which of your IT needs call for permanent full-time staff. We scrutinize both passive and active talent pools based on technical requirements presented to us, to carefully find not only the most skilled and experienced candidates for the position but also the ones most likely to mesh with your present team and corporate culture. We will provide you with professionals who have the potential to become true leaders as they grow with you

Let us Remedy Your Hiring Process Headache...

Searching for a new, permanent employee can be an extensive process. It will require creating a job description, announcing the position, thumbing through hundreds of applications and resumes, conducting interviews, and hopefully choosing the right person! And all the while, you’re expected to keep up with your own work. It can be a lot to juggle. That’s why we’d like to handle this challenge for you. We’ll make sure to seek out and recruit the applicant who is best for your company’s culture and its IT needs. So, sit back, relax, (or at least get back to work), and let us handle the hiring!

Finding the Right Employee For Your Particular Needs….

Discerning the role to satisfy your particular IT needs is no simple task. Especially if you’re not IT savvy yourself. That’s why we at IT Accel will assist you in recognizing which of your needs require full-time attention. Foster efficiency and save money when you hire the right person for the job you need to be filled.
Right Employee
Seeking Experience

Seeking Experience, Competence, and Compatibility…

Choosing your next employee is among the most significant decisions you can make. While you hope to find an individual who is experienced, competent, and compatible with your current employees, achieving this may be challenging. But, if you reach out to us at IT Accel, we can get you connected with top candidates from both active and passive talent pools. Opt only for the best when it comes to your new employees!

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